Convert THEMIS emissivity to radiance

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This procedure is designed to take THEMIS emissivity and maximum brightness temperature data and convert them to radiance data.

NOTE: The example is shown for 10 bands, if less bands are present, like in a nighttime image, you can still safely perform these steps.


Read in the emissivity and maximum brightness temperature data. For this example, the data was saved in hdf format. The output of Convert THEMIS radiance to emissivity could be directly saved using this file type.

struct, 2 elements
   emiss: 577x1852x10 array of float, bsq format [42,744,160 bytes]
   maxbtemp: 577x1852x1 array of float, bsq format [4,274,416 bytes]

Convert the emissivity and maximum brightness temperature to radiance.

./themis/calib/temp_rad_v4: VICAR bsq image: 11x561x1, 32 bits
577x1852x10 array of float, bsq format [42,744,160 bytes]

NOTE: the null value for the image after this will be zero because the null values for emissivity and maximum brighness temperature are also zero.

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