Download For RedHat/CentOS

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Download Davinci For RedHat/CentOS

Take a look at the Installation FAQ if you run into any problems while installing your copy of davinci.

Running Davinci:

$ davinci

Sourcing Script Libraries'

Library Scripts are installed under /usr/share/davinci/library. When you start Davinci, you can source it as follows:

dv> source("/usr/share/davinci/library/library_linux.dvrc")


These rpm binaries have been tested in Centos 6/7. We no longer support 32-bit davinci.

64-bit installers

RedHat/CentOS 6: davinci-2.27-1.el6.x86_64.rpm

RedHat/CentOS 7: davinci-2.27-1.el7.centos.x86_64.rpm

RedHat/CentOS 8 (not Stream): davinci-2.27-1.el8.x86_64.rpm

AlmaLinux 8: davinci-2.27-1.el8.alma.x86_64.rpm

RedHat/Rocky 9: davinci-2.27-1.el9.x86_64.rpm

Older Installers

64-bit installer



davinci-2.07-1.x86_64.rpm -- February 10, 2011

davinci-2.05-1.x86_64.rpm -- March 31, 2010

32-bit installer davinci-2.07-1.i386.rpm -- February 10, 2011

davinci-2.05-1.i386.rpm -- March 31, 2010


davinci-1.73-2.el5.src.rpm (source rpm)


davinci-1.73-2.fc8.src.rpm (source rpm)


davinci-1.73-2.fc9.src.rpm (source rpm)




Installation (E.g. Davinci version 1.69 for Fedora Core 8):

$ rpm -ihv davinci-1.69-1.i386.rpm

IMPORTANT Installing Davinci will also install these dependencies:

  • hdf5, hdf5-devel (HDF5, version 1.8 or higher))
  • cfitsio, cfitsio-devel (FITS, version 3 or higher)
  • readline, realine-devel (readline, version 5 or higher)
  • zlib, zlib-devel (zlib)
  • curl, curl-devel (libcurl, version 6 or higher)
  • gnuplot (GnuPlot, version 4 or higher)

The easiest install the dependencies is using the fedora yum installer (i.e. yum install hdf5), though depending on your operating system these packages may not be present.

You can also download the libraries manually in rpm collection websites such as: or

Since ISIS module is very large, this version of davinci does not support ISIS operations. Please build davinci manually if you want the ISIS module to be supported (See Compiling Davinci).

Davinci 2.18 comes with built in functions load_isis3 and write_isis3 which cover most if not all of the functionality of the old isis module.

Current Davinci Version2.27

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