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Displays description of con (constants structure)

This is a user-defined function from constants.dvrc

Arguments and Return Values

Arguments: None; just enter conhelp()

Return Value: Prints description of each element of structure con when not given any input; returns zero for any input(s)


Syntax: conhelp()


dv> con
struct, 23 elements
    e: 2.71828
    phi: 1.61803
    pi: 3.14159
    AU: 1.49598e+11
    b: 0.00289777
    c: 2.99792e+08
    eps0: 8.85419e-12
    eV: 1.60218e-19
    F: 96485.3
    G: 6.67428e-11
    g: 9.80665
    h: 6.62607e-34
    hbar: 1.05457e-34
    k: 1.38065e-23
    me: 9.10938e-31
    mn: 1.67493e-27
    mp: 1.67262e-27
    mu: 1.66054e-27
    mu0: 1.25664e-06
    NA: 6.02214e+23
    qe: 1.60218e-19
    R: 8.31447
    sigma: 5.67040e-08
dv> conhelp()

conhelp() displays descriptions of all physical constants in structure con
S.Marshall 02-18-2008

    e     =  2.718281828459045        Base of natural logarithm
    phi   =  1.618033988749895        Golden ratio
    pi    =  3.141592653589793        Pi

    AU    =  1.49597870691e+11 m      Astronomical unit

    The following physical constants use the CODATA 2006 values,

    b     =  2.8977685e-03 m*K        Wien wavelength displacement law constant
    c     =  299792458 m/s            Speed of light in a vacuum (exact)
    eps0  =  8.854187817e-12 F/m      Electric constant (permittivity)
    eV    =  1.602176487e-19 J        Electron volt
    F     =  96485.3399 C/mol         Faraday constant
    G     =  6.67428e-11 m^3/kg/s^2   Newtonian gravitation constant
    g     =  9.80665 m/s^2            Standard acceleration due to gravity (exact)
    h     =  6.62606896e-34 J*s       Planck constant
    hbar  =  1.054571628e-34 J*s      Reduced Planck constant (Dirac constant)
    k     =  1.3806504e-23 J/K        Boltzmann constant
    me    =  9.10938215e-31 kg        Electron mass
    mn    =  1.674927211e-27 kg       Neutron mass
    mp    =  1.672621637e-27 kg       Proton mass
    mu    =  1.660538782e-27 kg       Atomic mass constant
    mu0   =  1.2566370614e-06 N/A^2   Magnetic constant (permeability)
    NA    =  6.02214179e+23 mol^-1    Avogadro's number
    qe    =  1.602176487e-19 C        Elementary charge
    R     =  8.314472 J/mol/K         Ideal/molar gas constant
    sigma =  5.670400e-08 W/m^2/K^4   Stefan-Boltzmann constant

dv> conhelp(1)

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