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64-bit SafeYes


Make a contour map of any davinci data array. It is especially useful for mola elevation data.

Arguments and Return Values

Input: Any numeric array

Output: A numeric array of contours of the same dimensions as the input with contours of a multiplicative of the interval value


Syntax: contour(data = VAL[, interval = VAL] [, zero = VAL])

  data      - Any numerical array.
  interval  - Contour interval. Default is 10.
  zero      - the zero level (or "sea level") of the numerical array. Default is 0.


dv> mola
1037x1185x1 array of short, bsq format [2,457,690 bytes]

dv> contour  = contour(mola, 200)
1037x1185x1 array of float, bsq format [4,915,380 bytes]


elevation.png contour.png

Grayscale elevation and contour images

colorelevation.png colorcontour.png

Colorized elevation and contour images using colorize()

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Modified On: 07-06-2009

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