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"Invert Independently About Zero" - inverts values while preserving their original sign

Arguments and Return Values

Arguments: An array of values

Return Value: An array of the same size as the input


Syntax: iiaz(inputdata)

This function, for each value in an array, inverts the distance between zero and the original maximum positive and negative values in the array. It preserves the sign of the original values, so positive values remain positive and negative values remain negative, with only their scale being inverted.


dv> t2
3x3x1 array of double, bsq format [72 bytes]
0.2125000060    0.7153999805    0.07209999859
1.000000000     -0.5000000000   -1.000000000
0.2700000107    -0.8660253882   0.8660253882

dv> i2=iiaz(t2)
Current minimum value: -1.000000.
Current maximum value: 1.000000.
Clipping input values to a range of (0.000000) to (1.000000).
Current minimum value: -1.000000.
Current maximum value: 1.000000.
Clipping input values to a range of (-1.000000) to (0.000000).
3x3x1 array of double, bsq format [72 bytes]
0.7875000238    0.2846000195    0.9279000163
0.0000000000    -0.5000000000   0.0000000000
0.7300000191    -0.1339746118   0.1339746118


Exponential scaling applied to normal and inverted versions of the same data to perform a non-linear stretch:


A sine wave before and after processing by iiaz():


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Created On: 07-16-2012
Modified On: 05-02-2013

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