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Inverse cumulative probability function for normal distribution

Arguments and Return Values

Arguments: One numeric array, with all elements between 0 and 1 (exclusive)

Return Value: An array with the same organization as the input containing the value of the inverse normal function evaluated at the each element of the input. The output format is double if the input is double, float otherwise.

The inverse normal function is defined such that invnorm(y) = z iff y = normcdf(-Inf, z) = normcdf(z).

This function returns the z-value such that the cumulative probability in a normal distribution between negative infinity and z standard deviations from the mean equals the input. For example, if you want to find the number of standard deviations between in which lie the middle 20% of a sample (in a normal distribution), take invnorm(0.4) for the lower boundary and invnorm(0.6) for the upper boundary.

This function uses a numerical approximation from Peter J. Acklam, which has a relative error of less than 1.2e-9 (in double precision).

Return format is double if input is double; float otherwise.

If no arguments are input, invnorm() prints its description, as shown below.


Syntax: invnorm(y)

'y' - A numeric array of any format


dv> invnorm()

Inverse cumulative probability function for normal distribution
z = invnorm(y) iff y = normcdf(z)
Input must be y such that 0 < y < 1
Algorithm from
Relative errors (in double precision) are less than 1.2e-9
Matches input format
Works for arrays
S.Marshall 02-22-2008

dv> invnorm(0.4//0.6)
2x1x1 array of float, bsq format [8 bytes]
-0.253347       0.253347
dv> normcdf(-0.253347, 0.253347)
dv> normcdf(-1)
dv> invnorm(0.158655)

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Created On: 02-25-2008
Modified On: 02-25-2008

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