line match

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Match contrast and levels from one v_object to another only in the x direction. Forces each line to be the same all the way across the mosaic. This is a pretty harsh technique and should only be used as a last resort. Try nothing first, then try level_adjust and then this. This only works well for mosaics with no black space.

Arguments and Return Values

Arguments: Accepts two v_object and an ignore value

Return Values: Modifies the src v_object


Syntax: v_insert(src = STRUCT, dst = STRUCT, [ignore = FLOAT])

src - First v_object which will have its values modified in the overlapping regions

dst - Secon v_object that the first v_object will be adjusted to.

ignore - Value that is not data


dv> a
struct, 7 elements
    data: 500x300x1 array of byte, bsq format [150,000 bytes]
    h: 300
    lines: 0
    samples: 0
    w: 500
    x: 0
    y: 0
dv> b
struct, 7 elements
    data: 500x300x1 array of byte, bsq format [150,000 bytes]
    h: 300
    lines: 0
    samples: 0
    w: 500
    x: 250
    y: 150 

dv> line_match(src=a,dst=b,ignore=0)
dimensions of 500, 300
dimensions of 500, 300
dimensions of i1 149, 300
dimensions of i2 149, 300


The left image is before, the middle image is the image the first image will be adjusted to, and the thrid image is the adjusted image. v make1.png v make2.png line match.png

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Created On: 02-15-2006
Modified On: 01-17-2008

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