load master

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Read an MASTER instrument image and store it in a variable as a davinci Geo-Struct

Please check the GDAL information for more information about gdal.

Arguments and Return Values

Arguments: Accepts a HDF 4 formatted image file.

Return Value: A davinci structure containing .data and meta-data


Syntax: load_master(filename [,geo=BOOL])

filename - path of the MASTER HDF

geo - project the data given the lat/lon/elevation backplanes


dv> a=load_master($1)
struct, 7 elements
   anc: struct, 9 elements
       subdata: struct, 2 elements...
       metadata: struct, 49 elements...
       scale: 1x1x50 array of float, bsq format [200 bytes]
       gcps: Text Buffer with 522 lines of text
           1: 1 1 -110.215987 33.430099 1339.319979
           2: 1 501 -110.368597 33.456960 1200.000000
           3: 1 1001 -110.522998 33.484542 987.000000
           4: 1 1501 -110.677463 33.506520 1412.000000
           5: 1 2001 -110.828896 33.533839 1112.000000
           6: 1 2501 -110.981017 33.560061 947.000000
           7: 1 3001 -111.132978 33.581544 1290.000000
           8: 1 3501 -111.284049 33.609774 830.000000
           9: 1 4001 -111.436970 33.635845 624.000000
           10: 1 4501 -111.587772 33.660919 469.000000
       UTMzone: 12
       lat: 716x8800x1 array of double, bsq format [50,406,400 bytes]
       lon: 716x8800x1 array of double, bsq format [50,406,400 bytes]
       elev: 716x8800x1 array of double, bsq format [50,406,400 bytes]
       zenith: 716x1x1 array of double, bsq format [5,728 bytes]
       suggested_proj: "+proj=utm +zone=12 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs"
   w: 716
   h: 8800
   dataname: Text Buffer with 1 lines of text
       1: CalibratedData
   data: 716x8800x50 array of float, bip format [1,260,160,000 bytes]
   ignore: -32768

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Created On: 04-25-2013
Modified On: 04-26-2013

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