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Compute minimum value along specified axis

Arguments and Return Values

Parameters: Any numeric array and an axis

Return Value: The numeric value


Syntax: min(object = VAL, axis= [x][y][z])

The min() function finds the minimum value along one or more axis. If no axis is specified, then all three axis are used.

If an ignore value is specified, then any element that is equal to the ignore value is not included in the computation. If all the values in the computation are equal to the ignore value, then the output is set to the ignore value.

The default ignore value is the lowest value possible if the format is an integer type, otherwise it's the smallest positive value for float or double.

Prior to davinci 2.18, min() always returned a FLOAT. As of 2.18, it returns the same format as the object.


dv> a
5x5x1 array of float, bsq format [100 bytes]
60.5976 99.0922 84.5551 92.4065 38.1034
71.0337 67.3363 60.3515 92.8836 57.0839
50.7524 99.6602 54.6453 10.1191 72.1275
91.2858 36.1583 60.0832 70.1083 57.8446
14.7666 65.7095 52.7539 25.3694 53.5639

dv> min(a)

dv> min(a,axis=x)
1x5x1 array of float, bsq format [20 bytes]

dv> min(a,axis=y)
5x1x1 array of float, bsq format [20 bytes]
14.7666 36.1583 52.7539 10.1191 38.1034
dv> b = create(2,3,4)
2x3x4 array of int32, bsq format [96 bytes]
0     1
2     3
4     5

6     7
8     9
10    11

12    13
14    15
16    17

18    19
20    21
22    23
dv> min(b)
dv> max(b)

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Modified On: 11-17-2016

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