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Generates a Modified Soil-Adjusted Vegetation Index 2 map

Arguments and Return Values

Arguments: 1- or 2-dimensional greyscale images representing near-infrared and red spectral bands (both are required)

Return Value: A float greyscale image


Syntax: msavi(nir, red)

This function is part of the larger class of vegetation-index methods used in satellite image-processing. See ndi or this discussion of related functions for more detailed information.

MSAVI2 is of the subtype which will return only positive values. Greater values indicate that the presence of vegetation (especially healthier vegetation) is more likely.

The formula used is:

MSAVI2 = (2 * (NIR + 1) - sqrt((2 * NIR + 1)^2 - 8 * (NIR - Red))) / 2

This formula was obtained from "Vegetation Detection for Mobile Robot Navigation" (David M. Bradley, Scott M. Thayer, Anthony Stentz, and Peter Rander, 2004).


dv> nir
2000x1000x1 array of float, bsq format [8,000,000 bytes]

dv> r
2000x1000x1 array of float, bsq format [8,000,000 bytes]

dv> result = msavi2(nir, r)
Generating a Modified Soil-Adjusted Vegetation Index 2 image.
2000x1000x1 array of float, bsq format [8,000,000 bytes]

dv> max(result)

dv> min(result)


Full set of LandSat 7 imagery:

NYC-Band Comparison.PNG

Output of msavi():

Vegetation Index-NYC-MSAVI2.PNG

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Created On: 07-16-2012
Modified On: 05-02-2013

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