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64-bit SafeYes


Generate a cube of pseudo-random, normally distributed, noise.

Arguments and Return Values

Arguments: Three integers designating array size and a seed

Return Value: A numeric array of specified size filled with random noise


Syntax: rnoise([x = INT] [, y = INT] [, z = INT] [, seed = INT])

The rnoise() function generates a cube of the specified dimensions, of normally distributed random values. The normal distribution has a standard deviation of 1.0. A seed value can be specified to seed the random number generator, to produce reproducible random numbers. Any dimension not specified defaults to a value of 1.


dv> k = rnoise(20,20,20)    
20x20x20 array of float, bsq format [32,000 bytes]

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Modified On: 04-28-2016

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