command line options
From DavinciWiki
Description There are several useful command line options that can be used when starting DaVinci. DaVinci recognizes the following command line options: -l filename - specify log file Every command entered into davinci is recorded in a log file. The default log file is ".dvlog", in the current directory. The log file can be changed to another filename by specifying the -l option on the command line. -v N - set level of verbosity (0-3) The special variable verbose determines how much information is output to the user. At a level of 0, no informaitonal output is shown to the user unless explicitly requested with the echo() function. The default value is 2. -f filename - file of commands to execute The -f option specifies a file of commands to be exectued rather than taking commands from the user directly. This option is required when creating executable scripts, and must be the last option on the line, as follows: #!/usr/local/bin/davinci -f -e 'command' - single command to execute The -e option specifies a statement or a list of statements to be executed. -q - quiet start The -q option starts DaVinci without loading any of the functions in the user's .dvrc file located in their home directory.
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Last Updated: Feb-2011
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