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Add a min-max scale bar to any numerical array. The scale bar is generated with min and max labels or user defined labels, can be positioned anywhere on the image, or justified to 9 points on the image, it can be any size, or it can simply be returned. A sample dataset can be used to add a different scale to a data array.

NOTE: This function requrires that convert by ImageMagick be installed and defined in your path

Arguments and Return Values

Input: Any numeric array

Output: The same numeric array with the scale bar added, or simply the scale bar.


Syntax: scalebar(data [, direction = STRING] [, ignore = VAL] [, scaleonly = STRING] [, justify = STRING] [, xsize = VAL] [,ysize = VAL] [, mintext = STRING] [, maxtext = STRING] [, sample = VAL] [, font = STRING] [, xpos = INT] [,ypos = INT] )

  data      - Any numerical array.
  direction - direction of the scale bar (Default = "vertical")
  ignore - ignore value of the data (Default = -32768)
  scaleonly - Return only the scale bar with the endpoint values shown (Default = "no")
  justify - justification of the scale bar (Default = "top,right")
  justifications include: "top", "middle", "bottom", "left", "center", "right"
  xsize - the size of the scale bar in the x direction as a fraction of the numerical array dimension (Default = 30 ( = 1/30))
  ysize - the size of the scale bar in the y direction as a fraction of the numerical array dimension (Default = 10 ( = 1/10))
  mintext - User defined text for minimum value (max 15 characters)
  mintext - User defined text for maximum value (max 15 characters)
  sample - use a sample array to add the scale bar to data
  font - the font used to display min and max values on scale bar (Default = "helvetica") 
  xpos - x positon of the top right of the scale bar (Default = 10)
  ypos - y position of the top right corner of the scale bar (Default = 10)


dv> mola
1037x1185x1 array of short, bsq format [2,457,690 bytes]

dv> scaleimage  = scalebar(mola, direction="vertical", ignore=-32768, justify="middle,right",ysize=2,xsize=20)
1037x1185x1 array of float, bsq format [4,915,380 bytes]

dv> scalebar  = scalebar(mola, direction = "horizontal", scaleonly="yes", ignore=-32768, ysize=20, xsize=2)



Data with the scale bar added to it middle, right justified


Just the scale bar as a separate data array

DavinciWiki Mini-Nav Bar


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Recent Library Changes

Created On: 08-15-2006
Modified On: 01-17-2008

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