summary sma group
Contents: Description, Arguments, Usage, Examples, Sub-Functions, Related Functions, Source Supported Under Version: > 1.11
Description Create a summary table of abundances grouped by mineral class for one pixel from sma output. This function now calls summary_sma() which does all the work. NOTE: normbb is now performed by default and normatm is no longer an option. Though it can be re-added if a desire is shown.
Arguments and Return Values Arguments: takes a standard sma_output structure and a position in the mixed cube Return Value: a table displaying the grouped concentrations
Usage Syntax: summary_sma_group(sma_output, x, y [, xlow=INT][, xhigh=INT][ ,ylow=INT][, yhigh=INT]) sma_output = output structure from sma x = x-coordinate y = y-coordinate xlow=low value for x-range xhigh=high value for x-range ylow=low value for y-range yhigh=high value for y-range NOTE: either a range or coordinate must be entered
Examples dv> final=sma(mixspec,library,wave=250,wave2=1305,exclude=2//9//44, group=1) Division by zero, 130049 times struct, 16 elements forcedlib: struct, 1 elements label: "none" excluded: 3x1x1 array of int, bsq format [12 bytes] bb: 180x70x1 array of float, bsq format [50,400 bytes] bberror: 180x70x1 array of float, bsq format [50,400 bytes] normconc: 180x70x47 array of float, bsq format [2,368,800 bytes] measured: 180x70x73 array of float, bsq format [3,679,200 bytes] modeled: 180x70x73 array of float, bsq format [3,679,200 bytes] conc: 180x70x50 array of float, bsq format [2,520,000 bytes] rms: 180x70x1 array of float, bsq format [50,400 bytes] nsamples: 71 endlib: struct, 4 elements data: 44x1x73 array of float, bsq format [12,848 bytes] group: Text Buffer with 44 lines of text 1: Quartz 2: K-Feldspar 3: Plagioclase 4: Plagioclase 5: Plagioclase 6: Plagioclase 7: Plagioclase 8: Plagioclase 9: Orthopyroxene 10: Orthopyroxene label: Text Buffer with 44 lines of text 1: Quartz BUR-4120 2: Microcline BUR-3460 3: Albite WAR-0235 4: Oligoclase BUR-060D 5: Andesine WAR-0024 6: Labradorite BUR-3080A 7: Bytownite WAR-1384 8: Anorthite BUR-340 9: Bronzite NMNH-93527 10: Enstatite HS-9.4B xaxis: 1x1x73 array of double, bsq format [584 bytes] error: 180x70x50 array of float, bsq format [2,520,000 bytes] grouped: struct, 3 elements grouped_conc: 180x70x20 array of float, bsq format [1,008,000 bytes] grouped_error: 180x70x20 array of float, bsq format [1,008,000 bytes] grouped_labels: Text Buffer with 20 lines of text 1: Quartz 2: K-Feldspar 3: Plagioclase 4: Orthopyroxene 5: Pigeonite 6: Clinopyroxene 7: Olivine 8: Mica 9: Serpentine 10: Sheet-silicate spectral_range: "Channels 3-73" wave1: 250 wave2: 1305 Example: show the grouped modeled concentrations for pixel [100,32] of mixspec, with abundances normalized for blackbody. dv> summary_sma_group(final,100,32) *********************Summary for Pixel Coordinate (1,1) ******************* Group Abundance(%) Error(%) Normalized abundance(%) Quartz 0.33 +/- 1.38 0.62 +/- 2.58 K-Feldspar 0.00 +/- 0.00 0.00 +/- 0.00 Plagioclase 16.68 +/- 6.32 31.20 +/- 11.83 Orthopyroxene 1.39 +/- 11.19 2.60 +/- 20.93 Pigeonite 0.00 +/- 0.00 0.00 +/- 0.00 Clinopyroxene 15.94 +/- 8.59 29.82 +/- 16.07 Olivine 1.46 +/- 5.32 2.73 +/- 9.94 Mica 0.00 +/- 0.00 0.00 +/- 0.00 Serpentine 0.00 +/- 0.00 0.00 +/- 0.00 Sheet-silicate 2.58 +/- 7.35 4.83 +/- 13.75 Glass 0.00 +/- 0.00 0.00 +/- 0.00 Opal 0.38 +/- 3.81 0.72 +/- 7.13 Amphibole 1.94 +/- 3.27 3.63 +/- 6.12 Hematite 0.00 +/- 0.00 0.00 +/- 0.00 Sulfate 4.05 +/- 2.78 7.57 +/- 5.20 Carbonate 4.39 +/- 0.99 8.21 +/- 1.84 Zeolite 4.31 +/- 4.29 8.06 +/- 8.03 Mars Dust 0.00 +/- 0.00 0.00 +/- 0.00 ___________________________________________________________________________ Sum (includes bb) = 100.22 Blackbody Abundance = 46.76 +/- 9.11 RMS Error(%) = 0.127584
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