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Emissivity Calculation of Laboratory Spectra at ASU/SWRI

Computes an instrument response function from measured emission, spectra of hot and warm blackbody and known blackbody temperatures. Then calculates emissivity using previously calculated noise free response function and instrument radiance, hot bb spectrum, hot sample spectrum, and known environment temperature.

Arguments and Return Values

Arguments: A directory containing spectra files (*.CSV), *hot*.CSV (hot blackbody) and *warm*.CSV (warm blackbody)

Return Value: Writes either a single .hdf file or if individual is selected individual .txt files to be used with readvm()


Syntax: emcal2(dir, output_filename, warmBBT/warmBBRes, hotBBT/hotBBRes [, env_temp_array] [,lab="asu/swri"] [, noise_free=BOOL] [, dehyd=BOOL] [, individual=BOOL] [, resample=BOOL][,warmbb=STRING] [,hotbb=STRING] [,ratw=BOOL])

dir - A string defining the directory containing appropriate spectra

output_filename - A string containing the desired name of the output file

warmbbT/warmBBRes - Temperature of hot blackbody (from r2t_lo() or r2t_swri()) or Resistance values for each channel (Ch103//Ch104 or Ch1lo//Ch2lo//Ch1hi//Ch2hi)

hotbbT/hotBBRes - Temperature of warm blackbody (from r2t_hi() or r2t_swri()) or Resistance values for each channel (Ch103//Ch104 or Ch1lo//Ch2lo//Ch1hi//Ch2hi)

env_temp_array - temperature array containing the measured environmental temperature for each sample (sorted in alphabetical order)

lab - defines the lab where the spectrum was acquired (Default = "asu" or "swri"). This is only used if resistance values are input as it defines the use of r2t_lo()/rt2_hi() vs rt2_swri()

noise_free - computes a "noise free/reduced" instrument response function and instrument radiance. This helps increase the overall "Science" to Noise Ratio

dehyd - add dehydrated spectra to the output structure (Uses dehyd2())

individual - write spectra as individual text files (Uses write_vm())

resample - resample spectra to the response function xaxis (Uses resample())

warmbb - warm blackbody partial filename search (Default search ="warm")

hotbb - hot blackbody partial filename (Default search ="hot")

ratw - calibrate spectra using a "Rock Around the World" standard procedure


The left spectrum is an example response function while the right spectrum is an example emissivity spectrum.


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Created On: 03-24-2011
Modified On: 07-24-2012

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