krc bin

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NOTE: KRC is not included with standard davinci distributions.

Runs KRC thermal model in binary mode.

Output can be bin52 or bin53 files, which record different parameters.

The model has 29 layers. The first layer is set at 0.2 skin depths.

Each successive layer is increased by a factor of 1.15.

The model iterates for 2 years before outputting a full year of data at 1/80 year intervals. Albedo and tau can be dynamic if input as 2 x n x 1 arrays. Ls = column 1 and alb/tau = column 2

Arguments and Return Values

Returns a structure containing:

   data: struct, 7 elements
       layermin    minimum layer temperature for the output year
       layermax    maximum layer temperature for the output year
       insolation  solar flux
       tbol        bolometric brightness temperature
       tk          surface kinetic temperature
   layer_thickness thickness of each layer in skindepths/meters
   center_depth    depth of each layer in skindepths/meters
   layer_top       top of each layer in skindepths/meters
   alb             albedo used for calculation 


   data: struct, 6 elements
       tbol        bolometric brightness temperature
       tk          surface kinetic temperature
       tatm        atmospheric temperature
       down_vis    solar wavelength radiant flux
       down_ir     thermal infrared downwelling radiant flux
       ls          seasonal scale
   layer_thickness thickness of each layer in skindepths/meters
   center_depth    depth of each layer in skindepths/meters
   layer_top       top of each layer in skindepths/meters
   alb             albedo used for calculation 


Syntax: temps = krc_bin([ lat = FLOAT] [, lon = FLOAT] [, elev = FLOAT] [, alb = FLOAT] [, tau = FLOAT] [, ti = FLOAT] [, jbare = INT] [, tdeep = FLOAT] [, slope = FLOAT] [, azimuth = FLOAT] [, layer = INT] [, out = INT] [, mult = BOOLEAN][, usage = BOOLEAN])

lat     = latitude (default = 0)
lon     = east longitude (default = 0)
elev    = elevation km (default from lat,lon 2ppd MOLA)
alb     = albedo (default from lat,lon 2ppd TES)
tau     = dust visible opacity (default = 0.30)
ti      = thermal inertia of upper layers (default from 2ppd TES)
jbare   = force frost free at specified ls (default = no forcing)
tdeep   = set bottom layer temperature (default = insulating)
slope   = surface slope in degrees (default = 0)
azimuth = slope azimuth in degrees east from north (default = 0)
layer   = layer number of changed (ice) properties (default = no layering)
out     = bin5 output type, 52 or 53 (default = 52)
mult    = run layers 6,7,8,9,10,12,14,16,18,20  0 - no, 1 - yes (default = 0)
usage   = display the usage for the function (default is 0) 


 dv> a = krc_bin(lat = 65, lon = 0, ti = 200, tau = 0.15, out = 53, mult = 1,1)
./usr/share/davinci/krc/krc_bin/ti_map2ppd_v3.vicar: VICAR bsq image: 720x360x1, 32 bits
./usr/share/davinci/krc/krc_bin/albedo_2ppd.vicar: VICAR bsq image: 720x360x1, 32 bits
./usr/share/davinci/krc/krc_bin/mola_2ppd.vicar: VICAR bsq image: 720x360x1, 32 bits 

TES Inertia: 0.000000
TES Albedo: 0.223137
Elevation (km): -4.850050 

  Input file name or / for default =
  Print file name or / for default =
 TCARD_280 0 2 0 0
     0 seconds at end of season  240 of  240
     0 seconds at end of season  240 of  240
     0 seconds at end of season  240 of  240
     1 seconds at end of season  240 of  240
     0 seconds at end of season  240 of  240
     0 seconds at end of season  240 of  240
     0 seconds at end of season  240 of  240
     0 seconds at end of season  240 of  240
     0 seconds at end of season  240 of  240
     0 seconds at end of season  240 of  240
 BINF5: ARCH S =  1 x86   2
 BINF5 called with ID =  3 133 82 10 0 0 0 4 30 0
Read ASCII file: 7x29x1
Read ASCII file: 7x29x1
Read ASCII file: 7x29x1
Read ASCII file: 7x29x1
Read ASCII file: 7x29x1
Read ASCII file: 7x29x1
Read ASCII file: 7x29x1
Read ASCII file: 7x29x1
Read ASCII file: 7x29x1
Read ASCII file: 7x29x1
struct, 5 elements
    data: struct, 7 elements
        layermin: 29x10x80 array of float, bsq format [92,800 bytes]
        layermax: 29x10x80 array of float, bsq format [92,800 bytes]
        insolation: 24x10x80 array of float, bsq format [76,800 bytes]
        tbol: 24x10x80 array of float, bsq format [76,800 bytes]
        tk: 24x10x80 array of float, bsq format [76,800 bytes]
        seasonmax: 29x1x80 array of float, bsq format [9,280 bytes]
        seasonmin: 29x1x80 array of float, bsq format [9,280 bytes]
    layer_thickness: 29x2x10 array of float, bsq format [2,320 bytes]
    center_depth: 29x3x10 array of float, bsq format [3,480 bytes]
    layer_top: 29x2x10 array of float, bsq format [2,320 bytes]
    alb: 0.2231372446    


This is a plot showing modeled 2 AM surface temperatures ([2]) for the example shown above. The different lines are for ice located at 10 different layers because the mult option was selected.

Krc bin example.png

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