mos bounds

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Calculates the latitude and longitude bounding box of all cubes in a directory. Used in making mosaics.

Arguments and Return Values

Arguments: a filelist, file suffix, and a directory

Return Value: a structure with the lat and lon ranges


Syntax: mos_bounds(filelist, suffix [,dir][,geo = BOOL])

The filelist must contain one filename per line. The file_suffix must be the suffix of all files in the filelist. The THEMIS cubes must contain the band specified. Dir is "./" by default.

geo - use a Geo-Struct compatible file instead


dv> a=read_lines("file_list")
Text Buffer with 24 lines of text
   1: I09848002
   2: I23351005
   3: I09536003
   4: I15988002
   5: I18746002
   6: I17211003
   7: I05654002
   8: I19369024
   9: I23950004
   10: I23039002
dv> out=mos_bounds(a,".cub")
struct, 2 elements
   latrange: "-27.049459:-2.981086"
   lonrange: "44.620384:48.422428"

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Created On: 05-21-2009
Modified On: 07-29-2013

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