plot loop

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Loops through an array plotting individual elements along a given axis. Up to 4 objects can be plotted simultaneously. For example a series of spectra and spectral fits can be plotted as individual pairs.

Arguments and Return Values

Arguments: Input array or arrays, axis for xscale, axis for increment, xaxis scale (optional).

Return Value: Screen output in gnuplot window.


Syntax: plot_loop(array1 [, array2] [, array3] [, array4], axis = 'x'/'y'/'z', inc = 'x'/'y'/'z' [, xaxis = x_axis])

array1-4: arrays of any size, looping will increment to the smallest sized array

axis: axis for xscale in the plotting window (Note x/y/z have to be embedded within quotes unlike Davinci core functions!)

inc: axis for incrementing successive plots (Note x/y/z have to be embedded within quotes unlike Davinci core functions!)

x_axis: xscale to be used as "Xaxis" argument within xplot


dv> spectra
struct, 3 elements
    data: 6x1x143 array of float, bsq format [3,432 bytes]
    label: Text Buffer with 6 lines of text
        1: Average high albedo surface
        2: Std. dev. normalized light surface
        3: Average low albedo surface
        4: Std. dev. normalized dark surface
        5: Average dust opacity
        6: Std. dev. normalized dust opacity
    xaxis: 1x1x143 array of float, bsq format [572 bytes]
dv> plot_loop(,axis = 'z',inc = 'x',xaxis = spectra.xaxis)
Return for next vector (q to exit, b to go back)
Return for next vector (q to exit, b to go back)
Return for next vector (q to exit, b to go back)q

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Created On: 12-31-2007
Modified On: 01-17-2008

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