rad corr2

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Do first order dust and calibration correction

Arguments and Return Values

Arguments: A THEMIS radiance image, optional parameters on box boundaries and return structure options

Return Value: An array or structure.


Syntax: rad_corr2(radiance [, start x, stop x, start y, stop y] [, struct] [, null] [, ignore] [, v])

'radiance' - Any THEMIS IR radiance image

'start x' - A lower bounding x

'stop x' - An upper bounding x

'start y' - A lower bounding y

'stop y' - An upper bounding y

'struct' - Return .dark and .em information in a structure. Default is 0.

'null' - Value to ignore in calculations. Default is -32768.

'ignore' - Value to ignore in calculations. Default is -32768 (same as 'null')

'v' - An optional verbosity value

The starting and stopping values for x and y are optional. If they are specified then the single box is selected out of the data and the radiance correction values are obtained from that single box. If they are left blank autoradcorr is run which selects all boxes within the data that meet certain criteria and radiance correction values are calculated using all applicable boxes.


dv> a
345x7179x10 array of float, bsq format [99,070,200 bytes]

dv> b=rad_corr2(a)
345x7179x10 array of float, bsq format [99,070,200 bytes]


dv> b=rad_corr2(a,100,150,1000,1050)
.345x7179x10 array of float, bsq format [99,070,200 bytes]

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Recent Library Changes

Created On: 02-15-2006
Modified On: 05-09-2008

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