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Performs atmospheric correction for THEMIS 9 or 10 band radcorred (autoradcorr, thm.radcorr, radcorr2) radiance images. Requires surface emissivity for a designated training region within the 9/10 band radiance image. This will not correct for either topographic variations or aerosol variability (e.g. variable water ice).

Arguments and Return Values

Arguments: 9/10 band THEMIS radiance image, 9/10 band surface emissivity spectrum, 9/10 band THEMIS training region

Return Value: A structure contining surface emissivity for the 9/10 band THEMIS radiance image and the corresponding atmospheric opacity spectrum.


Syntax: radcorr2(themis_rad, surf_em, training_rad)

themis_rad: THEMIS 9 or 10 band radiance image (m x n x 9/10) corrected using dark radiance correction (radcorr)

surf_em: surface emissivity spectrum (1 x 1 x 9/10 or 1 x 9/10 x 1) for the training region

training_rad: THEMIS 9 or 10 band radiance (j x k x 9/10) for the region that corresponds to the surface emissivity spectrum

Output is a structure containing a m x n x 9 surface emissivity array and a 1 x 1 x 9 atmospheric opacity array.


dv> image
300x2901x10 array of float, bsq format [34,812,000 bytes]
dv> surf_em
1x1x10 array of float, bsq format [40 bytes]
dv> surf = rematm2(image,surf_em,image[19:140,1990:2240])
./themis/calib/temp_rad_v4: VICAR bsq image: 11x561x1, 32 bits
 load temp_rad with band 1
 load temp_rad with band 2
 load temp_rad with band 3
 load temp_rad with band 4
 load temp_rad with band 5
 load temp_rad with band 6
 load temp_rad with band 7
 load temp_rad with band 8
 load temp_rad with band 9
 radtotb:  dims = 122 251 9
finding max temp from bands 3 to 9
./themis/calib/temp_rad_v4: VICAR bsq image: 11x561x1, 32 bits
 load temp_rad with band 1
 load temp_rad with band 2
 load temp_rad with band 3
 load temp_rad with band 4
 load temp_rad with band 5
 load temp_rad with band 6
 load temp_rad with band 7
 load temp_rad with band 8
 load temp_rad with band 9
tbtorad: dims = 122 251 9
./themis/calib/temp_rad_v4: VICAR bsq image: 11x561x1, 32 bits
 load temp_rad with band 1
 load temp_rad with band 2
 load temp_rad with band 3
 load temp_rad with band 4
 load temp_rad with band 5
 load temp_rad with band 6
 load temp_rad with band 7
 load temp_rad with band 8
 load temp_rad with band 9
 radtotb:  dims = 300 2901 9
finding max temp from bands 3 to 9
./themis/calib/temp_rad_v4: VICAR bsq image: 11x561x1, 32 bits
 load temp_rad with band 1
 load temp_rad with band 2
 load temp_rad with band 3
 load temp_rad with band 4
 load temp_rad with band 5
 load temp_rad with band 6
 load temp_rad with band 7
 load temp_rad with band 8
 load temp_rad with band 9
tbtorad: dims = 300 2901 9
struct, 2 elements
    surf: 300x2901x9 array of float, bsq format [31,330,800 bytes]
    atm: 1x1x9 array of float, bsq format [36 bytes]

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Created On: 12-31-2007
Modified On: 01-17-2008

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