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Displays description of solar system structures (Sun, Earth, Moon, Mars, Phobos, Deimos) or a description of a field in those structures

This is a user-defined function from constants.dvrc

Arguments and Return Values

Arguments: A string with the name of the structure or field for which a description is needed

Return Value: When given the name of one of the solar system structures, the function prints a description of each element of the structure (but returns zero). When given the name of one of the fields in the structures, it returns a string with the description of the field.

If no arguments are input, solsys() prints its description, as shown below.


Syntax: solsys("field") or solsys("structure")


dv> solsys()

solsys returns descriptions of solar system planet structures
solsys("fieldname") returns description of the input field
 e.g. solsys("M") returns "Mass (in kilograms)"
solsys("structname") prints a full description of the specified structure
 e.g. solsys("Mars") explains every field in the Mars structure
Input must be a string
Values in SI/mks units, from NASA planetary fact sheets:
S.Marshall 02-18-2008

dv> solsys("Mars")


    M    =  6.4185e+23 kg   Mass
    R    =  3.3895e+06 m    Volumetric mean radius
    rho  =  3933 kg/m^3     Mean mass density
    aB   =  0.250           Bond albedo
    aV   =  0.150           Visual geometric albedo
    H    = -1.52            Absolute visual magnitude
    tr   =  30000 m         Topographic range
    kI   =  0.366           Moment of inertia coefficient (I/MR^2)
    a    =  2.2792e+11 m    Semimajor axis of orbit
    yr   =  5.93551e+07 s   Sidereal year (revolution period)
    e    =  0.0935          Orbital eccentricity
    srp  =  88642.4 s       Sidereal rotation period
    day  =  88774.9 s       Length of day
    eps  =  25.19 degrees   Rotation axial tilt
    P    =  636 Pa          Atmospheric pressure at surface
    rhoa =  0.020 kg/m^3    Density of air at surface
    T    =  210 K           Average surface temperature
    mua  =  43.34 g/mol     Mean molecular weight of atmospheric air

dv> solsys("R")
"Volumetric mean radius (for near-spherical objects;
 median axis radius for irregular objects; in meters)"

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Created On: 12-12-2007
Modified On: 12-04-2010

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