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General routine to convert temperature in K to spectral radiance

Arguments and Return Values

Arguments: A radiance array

Return Value: A THEMIS brightness-temperature array of equal dimensions to the input


Syntax: rad2tb2(rad [, bandlist] [, lab1=BOOL][, lab2=BOOL][, tes=BOOL][, tes5=BOOL][, mtes=BOOL][, themis=BOOL][, aster=BOOL][, tims=BOOL][, modis=BOOL])


For spectrometers units the are W cm-2 sr-1 /cm-1
For broadband radiometers the units are W cm-2 sr-1 micron-1)
Radiance array returned is in same order as wavelength or wavenumber of instrument (e.g. ascending wavenumber or wavelength)

rad - radiance value or array to convert to temperature

bandlist - choose the bands to work with (e.g. 1//3//7//9), must be concatenated (cat) in the x direction

Default instrument is THEMIS

[lab1=1][tes=1], etc - specifies which instrument

Example usage and return values

usage:        temp = rad4rad(radiance, [lab1=1][lab2][tes][tes5][mtes][themis][aster][tims][modis][max_emiss])
              Input 1 radiance and optional instrument (default is THEMIS)
              Returns temp[1,1,nbands]

      or:     temp = rad2tb2(rad_array, [themis=1][aster=1][etc])
              Input array of radiances and instrument: rad_array[nx, ny]
              Returns temp[nx,ny,nbands]

      or:     temp = rad2tb2(rad_array, [themis=1][aster=1][etc]))
              Input array of radiances in nbands: rad_array[nx, ny, nbands]
               Dimension of nbands must match instrument
              Returns temp[nx, ny, nbands]

      or:     temp = rad2tb2(rad_array, bandlist, [themis=1][aster=1][etc]))
              Input array of radiances in partial set of 1 or more bands: rad_array[nx, ny, ibands]
              Broadband instruments only
               Dimension of ibands must match # of bands in bandlist
              Example:  temp = rad2tb2(image, cat(3,5,7,x), themis=1)
              Returns temp[nx, ny, ibands]
Note:   Reads in appropriate radiance-to-temperature look-up table, THEMIS example:  temp_rad = temp_rad_v4


dv> T
./themis/lib/dav_lib/library/script_files/instrument_parameters/temp_rad_v4:  VICAR bsq image: 11x561x1, 32 bits
3x1x10 array of float, bsq format [120 bytes]
300.0000000     210.0000000     150.0000000

300.0000000      210.0000000     150.0000000

300.0000000     210.0000000     150.0000000

300.0000000     210.0000000     150.0000000

300.0000000      210.0000000     150.0000000

300.0000000     210.0000000     150.0000000

300.0000000     210.0000000     150.0000000

300.0000000      210.0000000     150.0000000

300.0000000     210.0000000     150.0000000

300.0000000     210.0000000     150.0000000

dv> themisrad =tb2rad2(T,themis=1)
3x1x10 array of float, bsq format [120 bytes]
0.0007074865280 3.520273822e-05 6.778145689e-07

0.0007074865280 3.520273822e-05 6.778145689e-07

0.0008949434850 6.728538574e-05 2.183513288e-06

0.0009542651824 8.638389409e-05 3.581196324e-06

0.0009878946003 0.0001092176826 5.921106549e-06

0.0009852732765 0.0001304097968 8.954900295e-06

0.0009532152908 0.0001462386135 1.225004416e-05

0.0009090195526 0.0001566047868 1.532734495e-05

0.0008534883964 0.0001634948858 1.846490886e-05

0.0006775726215 0.0001648367615 2.590118493e-05

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Created On: 07-29-2010
Modified On: 07-30-2010

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