themis plot

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Plot THEMIS database parameters.

NOTE: Use at your own risk!

Arguments and Return Values

Arguments: a single mysql command or 3 arguments as the select, table, and where strings

Return Value: An array of the selected parameters


Syntax: themis_plot(select, table, where [, plot = BOOL] [,xaxis = VAL] [,mtes = BOOL] [,database = STRING] [,double = BOOL])

Optional Syntax : themis_plot(mysql_query [, plot = BOOL] [,xaxis = VAL] [,mtes = BOOL] [,database = STRING] [,double = BOOL])

select - string of select parameters separated by commas

table - string of table parameters separated by commas

where - string parameters separated by " and "

mysql_query - or entire mysql query

Optional Parameters:

plot = 0 - Do not plot the data

database - "database name" (only used with entire query)

xaxis = 0 - Do not use the first select parameter as the xscale

mtes = 1 - Plot mini-TES data

double = 1 - ghetto plot (reads in as double rather than float)

NOTE: Tables other than frmgeom, header, irfrmsci, quality, qube, qubegeom, and tlm need to be related!


dv> data=themis_plot("orbit_number,tes_alb_avg","irfrmsci,header","orbit_number > 1200 \
and orbit_number < 1300 and header.file_id rlike \"I0123\" and image_duration < 245",plot=1) 
mysql -B -s -h -u atmos -pnoachis -D themis3 -e 'select orbit_number,tes_alb_avg from
irfrmsci,header where orbit_number > 1200 and orbit_number < 1300 and header.file_id rlike "I0123" and
image_duration < 245 and irfrmsci.file_id=header.file_id;' > /tmp/dv_27037/themis_plot_temp
Apparent file size: 2x385x1
Read ASCII file: 2x385x1
2x385x1 array of float, bsq format [3,080 bytes]
dv> pngplot("/u/cedwards/public_html/downloads/themis_plot.png",600,400)
Hit a key...any key...especially the return key 


themis plot.png

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Modified On: 09-08-2008

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