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DO NOT USE! This function is not a general purpose function!
Takes any 3-d array and supersamples to N times the angular resolution. Used by autoradcorr

Arguments and Return Values

Arguments: A THEMIS data array and a factor

Return Value: A data array of of N times the original size


Syntax: thm.supersample(data = VAL [, factor = VAL] [, type = VAL])

'data' is a geometrically projected THEMIS image

'factor' is the factor by which to scale the image. Default is 3

'type' is the supersample method to use. Default is 0.

    type=0: each original pixel is placed in the center of the supersampled pixel grid. 
            All other pixels in the supersampled grid are filled with 0.
    type=2: fills every pixel in supersampled pixel grid with original pixel value.


dv> a =  create(100,100,1) 
100x100x1 array of int, bsq format [40,000 bytes]
dv> b =  thm.supersample(a,factor =  3,type =  2)
300x300x1 array of float, bsq format [360,000 bytes]

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Modified On: 05-11-2008

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