v contains

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Determines if one v_object is contained in another v_object

Arguments and Return Values

Arguments: Accepts two v_objects or one v_object and a filename (e.g. the file to check)

Return Values: 1 or 0


Syntax: v_contains(img = STRUCT or img = STRING, dst = STRUCT[,geo = BOOL])

img - the v_object to check

dst - the v_object that is the container geo - use a Geo-Struct compatible file instead


dv> a=v_make(load_pds("I03615038.cub",data=0))
struct, 6 elements
   x: 89870
   y: -38372
   w: 923
   h: 336
   lines: 272
   samples: 320
dv> dst=v_make(load_pds("mos.cub",data=0))
struct, 6 elements
   x: 52161
   y: -45641
   w: 109066
   h: 11263
   lines: 0
   samples: 0

Usage 1:

dv> contains=v_contains(img=a,dst=dst)

Usage 2:

dv> contains=v_contains(img="I03615038.cub",dst=dst)

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Recent Library Changes

Created On: 06-02-2009
Modified On: 07-29-2013

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