proj geoshape

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Reproject any GeoShape-Struct to any type supported by GDAL to a new coordinate system

This function relies on GDAL > 1.8.

This function nominally supports all formats GDAL can read/write.

Arguments and Return Values

Arguments: A davinci GeoShape-Struct and target projection

Return Value: none


Syntax: proj_geoshape(GeoShape-Struct, t_srs [,s_srs#61;STRING])

GeoShape-Struct = davinci GeoShape-Struct to write

t_srs=projection of the target

s_srs=projection of the source (Default="+proj=latlong units=deg")


dv> shape=read_geoshape($DV_EX+"/test_shape.csv")
struct, 5 elements
   feature_string: Text Buffer with 2 lines of text
       1: polygon
       2: polygon
   mola_elevation_double: 1x2x1 array of float, bsq format [8 bytes]
   line_color_color: Text Buffer with 2 lines of text
       1: 0 255 255
       2: 204 0 0
   fill_color_color: Text Buffer with 2 lines of text
       1: 153 0 153
       2: 0 0 255
   wkt: Text Buffer with 2 lines of text
       1: POLYGON ((5.59375 9.4375, 3.1875 8.15625, 3.1875 6.15625, 3.9375 4.03125,\
        5.65625 3.90625, 6.28125 5.125, 6.21875 7.0625, 6.09375 9, 5.59375 9.4375))
       2: POLYGON ((12.375 11.5625, 10.15625 11.96875, 8.8125 10.71875, 8.0625 9.1875,\
        8.1875 8, 9.34375 7.3125, 10.28125 8.125, 10.625 8.9375, 11.6875 9.21875, 12.25 8.875,\
        12.875 8.9375, 13.09375 9.59375, 13.09375 10.34375, 12.375 11.5625))

dv> out=proj_geoshape(shape,'+proj=eqc')
struct, 5 elements
   wkt: Text Buffer with 2 lines of text
       1: POLYGON ((622693.401624874095432 1050577.694361519534141,354830.876903559546918 \
          907949.596782637760043,354830.876903559546918 685310.615196090540849,438320.494998514768668\
          448756.697260384156834,629650.869799453765154 434841.760911224992014,699225.551545249763876\
          570512.390315527096391,692268.083370670094155 786193.903727494762279,678353.147021510871127\
          1001875.417139462311752,622693.401624874095432 1050577.694361519534141))
       2: POLYGON ((1377578.698566760867834 1287131.612297225976363,1130588.578369185095653\
          1332355.155431993305683,981003.012615723535419 1193205.791940401308239,897513.394520768313669\
          1022747.821663201204501,911428.330869927420281 890555.926346188760363,1040141.492099650204182\
          814023.776425813091919,1144503.514718344202265 904470.86269534798339,1182769.589678531978279\
          994917.948964882758446,1301046.548646385082975 1026226.555750490981154,1363663.762217601528391\
          987960.480790303088725,1433238.443963397527114 994917.948964882758446,1457589.582574426196516\
          1067971.364797968650237,1457589.582574426196516 1151460.982892923755571,1377578.698566760867834\
   feature_string: Text Buffer with 2 lines of text
       1: polygon
       2: polygon
   mola_elevation_double: 1x2x1 array of float, bsq format [8 bytes]
   line_color_color: Text Buffer with 2 lines of text
       1: 0 255 255
       2: 204 0 0
   fill_color_color: Text Buffer with 2 lines of text
       1: 153 0 153
       2: 0 0 255

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Created On: 05-14-2013
Modified On: 05-14-2013

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