read geoshape

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Load any shapefile type supported by GDAL by translating to a CSV shapefile into a GeoShape-Struct. Input is not translated if it is already a CSV shapefile

This function relies on GDAL > 1.8.

This function nominally supports all formats GDAL can read, though it uses the native davinci reader first before trying GDAL.

Arguments and Return Values

Arguments: File name

Return Value: A davinci Geo-Struct with the data


Syntax: read_geoshape(filename [,opts=STRING])

filename - input full path to data

opts- additional ogr2ogr options (Default is "")


dv> shape=read_geoshape($DV_EX+"/test_shape.csv")
struct, 5 elements
   feature_string: Text Buffer with 2 lines of text
       1: polygon
       2: polygon
   mola_elevation_double: 1x2x1 array of float, bsq format [8 bytes]
   line_color_color: Text Buffer with 2 lines of text
       1: 0 255 255
       2: 204 0 0
   fill_color_color: Text Buffer with 2 lines of text
       1: 153 0 153
       2: 0 0 255
   wkt: Text Buffer with 2 lines of text
       1: POLYGON ((5.59375 9.4375, 3.1875 8.15625, 3.1875 6.15625, 3.9375 4.03125,\
        5.65625 3.90625, 6.28125 5.125, 6.21875 7.0625, 6.09375 9, 5.59375 9.4375))
       2: POLYGON ((12.375 11.5625, 10.15625 11.96875, 8.8125 10.71875, 8.0625 9.1875,\
        8.1875 8, 9.34375 7.3125, 10.28125 8.125, 10.625 8.9375, 11.6875 9.21875, 12.25 8.875,\
        12.875 8.9375, 13.09375 9.59375, 13.09375 10.34375, 12.375 11.5625))

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Modified On: 05-14-2013

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