rm quote

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Remove quotes from a string or text array. This function is helpful for plotting as GnuPlot an become angry with quotes.

Arguments and Return Values

Arguments: accepts a string or text array

Return Value: a string or text array with all the quotation marks removed and replaced with nothing


Syntax: rm_quote(label_array = STRING/TEXT)


label_array is an array of labels (assumed to be in y-axis)


dv> tmp
 Text Buffer with 3 lines of text
   1: Hi's
   2: Her's
   3: Mine's

dv> out=rm_quote(tmp)
Text Buffer with 3 lines of text
   1: Hi_s
   2: Her_s
   3: Mine_s
dv> out2=rm_quote("Hi\'|\"")

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Created On: 11-30-2010
Modified On: 11-30-2010

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