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Convert a tdb file to a convenient davinci structure and the standard HDF output format.

Arguments and Return Values

Arguments: accepts a path to a tdb file and the desired resample xaxis.

Return Value: a convenient davinci structure


Syntax: tdb2struct(tdb_file = STRING/STRUCT [, lab1 = INT] [, lab1 = INT])

'tdb_file_path' - full path to the tdb file (including the .000) 'tdb_file' - structure from load_tdb(), with distribute = 1 option

'lab1' = 1 resample to xlab1 (923 pt lab spectra (221.7 to 1999.8) (default))

'lab1' = 1 resample to xlab2 (1971 pt lab spectra (200.5 to 3999.7))


Example with an already existing structure from load_tdb()

dv> a=load_tdb($DV_EX+"/wards_rocks.tdb.000",distribute=1)
struct, 100 elements
   v[1]: struct, 4 elements
       scope: "Double"
       label: "1 Biotite Granite"
       data: 936x1x1 array of double, bsq format [7,488 bytes]
       xaxis: 936x1x1 array of double, bsq format [7,488 bytes]
   v[2]: struct, 4 elements
       scope: "Double"
       label: "2 Muscovite-biotite Granite"
       data: 936x1x1 array of double, bsq format [7,488 bytes]
       xaxis: 936x1x1 array of double, bsq format [7,488 bytes]
   v[3]: struct, 4 elements
       scope: "Double"
       label: "3 Biotite-hornblende Granite"
       data: 936x1x1 array of double, bsq format [7,488 bytes]
       xaxis: 936x1x1 array of double, bsq format [7,488 bytes]

dv> b=tdb2struct(a)
struct, 3 elements
   data: 100x1x923 array of float, bsq format [369,200 bytes]
   label: Text Buffer with 100 lines of text
       1: 1 Biotite Granite
       2: 2 Muscovite-biotite Granite
       3: 3 Biotite-hornblende Granite
       4: 4 Alkalic Granite
       5: 5 Aplite
       6: 6 Quartz-monzonite Porphyry
       7: 7 Granodiorite
       8: 8 Obsidian
       9: 9 Pumice
       10: 10 Rhyolite Tuff
   xaxis: 1x1x923 array of float, bsq format [3,692 bytes]

Example using the path to the tdb file

dv> a=tdb2struct($DV_EX+"/wards_rocks.tdb.000")
struct, 3 elements
   data: 100x1x923 array of float, bsq format [369,200 bytes]
   label: Text Buffer with 100 lines of text
       1: 1 Biotite Granite
       2: 2 Muscovite-biotite Granite
       3: 3 Biotite-hornblende Granite
       4: 4 Alkalic Granite
       5: 5 Aplite
       6: 6 Quartz-monzonite Porphyry
       7: 7 Granodiorite
       8: 8 Obsidian
       9: 9 Pumice
       10: 10 Rhyolite Tuff
   xaxis: 1x1x923 array of float, bsq format [3,692 bytes]

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Recent Library Changes

Created On: 11-29-2010
Modified On: 11-30-2010

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